Charity · Family · Great-Rewards-in-Islam · Wealth

Muslim spending on his family intending to receive Allah’s Reward

When a Muslim spends something on his family intending to receive Allah's Reward, it is regarded as Sadaqa for him [Bukhari]

Charity · Great-Rewards-in-Islam

There is no Muslim who plants a plant or a tree, except that whatever is eaten from it is a charity for him

Reward for Plantig plants and trees Islam

7 – From Anas the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

‘There is no Muslim who plants a plant or a tree, or sows a seed and no bird, or human or animal eats from that except that it is a charity for that person.’

[Collected by Bukhari, Muslim & Ahmad]

8 – From Jabir from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:

‘There is no Muslim who plants a plant or a tree, except that whatever is eaten from it is a charity for him.  Whatever is stolen from that is a charity for him.  Whatever is eaten from it by an animal is a charity for him.  Whatever a bird eats is a charity for him, no one suffers a loss except that it will be a charity for him till the Day of Judgement.’

[Collected by Muslim]

No. 9 – From Anas Radi Allaahu anhu from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- said:

‘If the final hour comes and one of you has a small date-palm plant in his hand, and if you can plant it before you stand then plant it.’

Check the Below for further reading:

Charity · Great-Rewards-in-Islam

Never underestimate even the smallest charity!

Never underestimate even the smallest charity (Sadaqa)